Denver Comic Con 2014
Denver Comic Con has sadly come to an end, but it was a great convention. The feel of it is different than other conventions, because their emphasis is different. This convention seems to be a lot more about learning, for adults and kids. There was an astronomy panel, a lot of work panels, panels by those in the industry to help others trying to get into it, or better at it, and a play area for kids. The panels were great, and I have seven handwritten pages of notes. This Friday, I'll have them typed up and share them with everyone here. I'll also post considerably more photos (my wife took a bunch that I have to sort through). As most know, cos-play can be quite hot, but it can also be quite geeky, so we'll see what my wife's priorities were when she was photographing. For me, my priorities can be described by this anecdote from Sunday.
On Sunday, my wife and I were sitting, eating breakfast, and some cos-players were walking over to a line for food, and I pointed one out, it was Jay Garrick, the original flash. I pointed him out, because there aren't a lot of people who cos-play as him. She gave me a confused "wtf" kind of look, so I explained, "It's Jay Garrick, the original flash. It's freak'n cool." Then she laughs, and explains that she thought I was pointing out the Black Canary's ass, and not the Arrow version, but the original comic version:
For Reference:
![Black Canary](
Kind of like that, but the bottom was a bikini bottom, and the cos-player was in shape.
So yeah, that explains my priorities, but on Friday, we'll see what her priorities were.
I also got to meet Sylvester McCoy. He was quite nice and had fun with the selfies people took with him. I bought an autograph. He's my favorite of the Doctors, and it was really cool to meet him.
In one of my panels, I got to meet a fellow web comic artist, The Immortal Caleb Child, maker of Mischief in Maytia. He was wearing a "cheap wookie costume" (his words), which appeared to be a rug with a head hole cut out. It was well played.
I also picked up the latest version of Band and Pest Control. I'm posting these, because I expect them to be good, since the previous issues were. As I go through the other comics I got, I'll post info about them if I like them. I also found another webcomic, d2 Monkey. I liked the first handful of comics so much, that I bought his volume one collection the next day. Check it out.
One last update, before I post a few pics that I posted on twitter, for those who don't follow me on facebook or twitter, Steve Lieber. Was kind enough to review some of my work, so expect some changes in it over the next few months. I'll probably also switch over to mostly black and white as I play with his recommendations, and ideas that I picked up in the panels.
Denver Comic Con 2014 Cos-play Images
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play The Iron Giant](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play The Gargoyles' Goliath](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Doctor Who Dalek](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Riddick](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play The Thundercats Lion-O](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Judge Dredd Judges](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Nightwing, Oracle, Oogie Boogie Man, and Rescue](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Casey Jones, April, and Shredder](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Hawkman and Hawkgirl](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Wolverine](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play The Venture Bros' The Grand Inquisitor IGNORE ME](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play The Watcher, Galactus, and the earth](
![Denver Comic Con 2014 cos-play Magneto and Doctor Strange](