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Sick by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Sick 
Panel 1 
Sound effect: Tic 
Panel 2 
Sound effect: Tic 
Panel 3 
Sound effect: Tic 
Panel 4 
Sound effect: BOOM!

comic search terms: Sick
comic dialog: Panel 1
Sound effect: Tic
Panel 2
Sound effect: Tic
Panel 3
Sound effect: Tic
Panel 4
Sound effect: BOOM!
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Sorry.. feel like my head's going to explode everytime I cough. Stupid sickness. Dead before 30, I've said that alot, guess it's coing true.. heh. Hope those of you reading are in good health.

long hair
One might ask, "why the long hair?". Well you see... I haven't had a hair cut in a while. That may change Friday though.

Ash Wednesday
As a friend just pointed out, seems I forgot, today is Ash Wednesday. So every should celebrate by going out and renting/watching Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darknes. Such a memorable character as Ash should not be so easily forgotten.

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