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Flights by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Flights 
Panel 1 
Caption: We will be shutting the doors shortly, please prepare for takeoff. 
Jase: Nice. no one else in my row, a nice relaxing flight. 
Panel 2 
June: Oh, here it is. Row 14. 
Jase: *sigh* 
Panel 3 
Jase: That's a cute, and um... quiet?... baby, 
June: Well thank you! That's awfully nice. 
Announcement: The doors are now closed. Our apporximate flight time will be 6 hours 25 minutes, refr... 
Panel 4 
June: See! At least someone can like our child! 
Peter: Well maybe if it didn't poop so much... like now! And it wasn't spawned by a whore! 
June: Well at least I'm not being brought up on a sexual harrassemnt charges! 
Jase: ...help... 
PeterL: You probably would, if there were any men in your place of busines And for the last time, I'm Testifying, not on trial!

comic search terms: Flights
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: We will be shutting the doors shortly, please prepare for takeoff.
Jase: Nice. no one else in my row, a nice relaxing flight.
Panel 2
June: Oh, here it is. Row 14.
Jase: *sigh*
Panel 3
Jase: That's a cute, and um... quiet?... baby,
June: Well thank you! That's awfully nice.
Announcement: The doors are now closed. Our apporximate flight time will be 6 hours 25 minutes, refr...
Panel 4
June: See! At least someone can like our child!
Peter: Well maybe if it didn't poop so much... like now! And it wasn't spawned by a whore!
June: Well at least I'm not being brought up on a sexual harrassemnt charges!
Jase: ...help...
PeterL: You probably would, if there were any men in your place of busines And for the last time, I'm Testifying, not on trial!
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This was a comic that was supposed to be done a long time ago, but I couldn't work it into a story line like I wanted, so here it is, as filler, as I recover from digital-overload, a great LAN party. Sooo many nerds and geeks and gamers... it was like I was finally at home. *sigh*.. back like 2 hours and already I miss it. There will be some comics and some comments about it for the next few weeks.

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