comic dialog: Those who don't learn from their mistakes are bound to continually enjoy them, and we do love our mistakes.
Panel 1
Pie key, or is it keylime pie: 1.) The time it took to write the hack, test the hack, migrate the hack, have meetings about the hack, fix the hack, retest the hack, remigrate the hack, realize the hack didn't solve half the problems
Pie key, or is it keylime pie: 2.) Time it took to fix the code, test the code, and migrate the code
Caption: Lessons learned? None.
Pie Gary
Mmmmmm I like pie. These numbers aren't really completely accurate, but it's often how I feel when the first thing people care about or ask about is, "How can we get around the the problem?", "Think out of the box, how can we hack this?", etc, instead of the first question being "How can we fix this?". Then, if the fix takes too long (after trying to actually fix the frelling thing), you hack it to make it work for the clients, but it should not be your first go to solution. Ok. End rant.