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Ye-arrrrr-ly comic
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Ye-arrrrr-ly comic 
It tw-arrrrrrr a good day, dat day a da pirate. 
Panel 2 
Jase: So, uh. What's up with you? 
Panel 3 
Jacob: I be a mighty fine pirate 'fer 'de day of 'tee pirate speak 
Jase: Wasn't that yesterday? 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Aye, but I be a space pirate 'n I's bin travel'n near 'in dee speed 'a light.

comic search terms: Ye-arrrrr-ly comic
comic dialog: It tw-arrrrrrr a good day, dat day a da pirate.

Panel 2
Jase: So, uh. What's up with you?
Panel 3
Jacob: I be a mighty fine pirate 'fer 'de day of 'tee pirate speak
Jase: Wasn't that yesterday?
Panel 4
Jacob: Aye, but I be a space pirate 'n I's bin travel'n near 'in dee speed 'a light.
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Halloween contest
Well, I've asked around, and some said do, some said don't, but when I thought about it, I wanted to do it, so that won. What am I talking about? A Halloween contest, like the one last year. There will be three categories, visual image, writing, and video. The main gist of the contest is, create something Halloween related, and then have people vote on it. On Monday, the full information will be posted as an announcement on the website. I look forward to seeing, reading, and viewing the Halloween entries.

  • If you're writing something, make it a .txt file, under 100k.
  • If you're creating a visual image, make it a .gif or .jpg, smaller than 1024px x 1024px, and less than 300k
  • If you're creating an video, keep it under 10Mb, (ideally 4:3 aspect, but that's not a requirement), and make it a .avi or a .mpg

That's just so people can get started if they want. Also, feel free to ask me questions if you want.

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