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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"the dullest of swords is still lethal"
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Tuesday's quote
"I'd mask by face, but why, when we all look the same?"
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Wednesday's quote
"If my life had a warranty, I'd send it back RMA."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Thursday's quote
"When paths cross, be wary of collisions."
- "Gin runner" James Ammerton, 1927 A.D.

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Beautiful balls
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Beautiful balls 
*sigh* If only that were true, but the correct answer is "KhaosDux", look it up people. Actually, there might be larger, but this is where google brought me. 
Panel 1 
Jane: Thanks for coming with me guys I'm not sure I could do both this ball and a blind date with out support. 
Panel 2 
Hope: Any excuse to get dressed up, and might I say, you look fantastic. 
Jane: Well, thank you. 
Panel 3 
Hope: So, is it going to be a big ball? 
Jane: Yeah, one of the biggest 
Panel 4 
Jase: And who's Got the biggest balls of them all? 
Jacob: I do! I do!

comic search terms: Beautiful balls
comic dialog: *sigh* If only that were true, but the correct answer is "KhaosDux", look it up people. Actually, there might be larger, but this is where google brought me.

Panel 1
Jane: Thanks for coming with me guys I'm not sure I could do both this ball and a blind date with out support.
Panel 2
Hope: Any excuse to get dressed up, and might I say, you look fantastic.
Jane: Well, thank you.
Panel 3
Hope: So, is it going to be a big ball?
Jane: Yeah, one of the biggest
Panel 4
Jase: And who's Got the biggest balls of them all?
Jacob: I do! I do!
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Years in the making
For years I've longed to make this joke. Ever since hearing the AC/DC song, I've wanted to make this joke, but no one has ever set me up for it, so you my loyal readers will have to endure it. Groan away, it doesn't make the comic vanish.

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