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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Saturday's quote
"The faster the fall, the quicker the stop."
- Bouncing Back: How to recover, 1991 A.D.

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Halloween 2011, 8 of 32
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Halloween 2011, 8 of 32 
We have to talk about why you're holding out on me. Where's the free candy at? 
Panel 1 
Monster: All signs are perfect for my ascent, for our coming into being. We need only stick to our plan, and they will all fall. 
Panel 2 
Jase: So, what's with the sign? 
Panel 3 
Jacob: I'm making it for Halloween. I figure, we rent a van and drive around town with this sign, so all the kids will know that our house is the house to come to, to trick or treat. 
Panel 4 
Officer: Excuse me sir. Do you know this man? He says he lives here. 
Jase: Nope. Never seen him before. 
Officer: That's what we thought, now come along pervo. 
Jase: You know what? Maybe I should hold on to the sign. So you don't lose it. 
Panel 6 
Hope: Jase, I think we need to talk.

comic search terms: Halloween 2011, 8 of 32
comic dialog: We have to talk about why you're holding out on me. Where's the free candy at?

Panel 1
Monster: All signs are perfect for my ascent, for our coming into being. We need only stick to our plan, and they will all fall.
Panel 2
Jase: So, what's with the sign?
Panel 3
Jacob: I'm making it for Halloween. I figure, we rent a van and drive around town with this sign, so all the kids will know that our house is the house to come to, to trick or treat.
Panel 4
Officer: Excuse me sir. Do you know this man? He says he lives here.
Jase: Nope. Never seen him before.
Officer: That's what we thought, now come along pervo.
Jase: You know what? Maybe I should hold on to the sign. So you don't lose it.
Panel 6
Hope: Jase, I think we need to talk.
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Just another brilliant plan.
Before anyone gets mad at Jase for that dream sequence, think about it. If you knew about that sign and van, would you fess up to knowing the person driving it?

Wow, I just finished watching "The Thing From Another World". I've seen this before. It's a great film, and I really enjoy watching it. It's one of my four favorite black and white films. The list consists of, "The Third Man" (an amazing film), "Seven Samurai" (a true classic adventure), "The Forbidden Planet" (one of my favorite sci-fi's of all time, a movie that has shots that give you a feeling of awe at the size and immensity of things, something that I think is really difficult to pull off), and "The Thing From Another World". There are other really good black and white films out there, but those are my favorites.

Ok, I think that's about it for now. Time for me to watch "It! The Terror from Beyond Space". This will be the first time I've seen it, but it's a John Carpenter recommendation on AMC, right after he recommended "The Thing From Another World", so I'm going to give it a shot. Hopefully it's also really good. And hell, it's sixty-nine minutes long, so it's got that going for it, right out of the gate.

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