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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"When in doubt, just shout out."
- Molly Pervill, 1964 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"To jump, to fly, to be free!"
- (Unknown stock broker), 1929 A.D.

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Skyrim intervention
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Skyrim intervention 
But I'm so close to buying a house... 
Panel 1 
Cassandra: How long has he been playing? 
Jase: Three days straight. 
Cassandra: We should really do something. 
Panel 3 
Sleeth: Hmmmm... Guess I'm just supposed to just stand here and practice peaceful non-resistance. 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Noooooo! Just.. just.. ONE more hour!

comic search terms: Skyrim intervention
comic dialog: But I'm so close to buying a house...

Panel 1
Cassandra: How long has he been playing?
Jase: Three days straight.
Cassandra: We should really do something.
Panel 3
Sleeth: Hmmmm... Guess I'm just supposed to just stand here and practice peaceful non-resistance.
Panel 4
Jacob: Noooooo! Just.. just.. ONE more hour!
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I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.
Ug, uploaded and posed via my phone. I hope I have internet later this morning, since I work remotely.

Ok, I'm tired, I really thought that tomorrow night is when I had to work on the comic. Whoops. Well, I got it done. Also, the Halloween contest ended at 11:59pm (Eastern time), 11/15/2011. I'll notify the winners this week and post the winners on Friday.

As promised, Skyrim images

All of these are in game shots. It's a really pretty game. It's nice to be playing a non post-apocalyptic/dirty game.

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