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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"Please. Thank you. And, oh my god! Is that real?"
- Jenna Masussy, 2009 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"I don't want to be a foot note in history, I want to be a chapter."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

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2011 Holiday tale, part 1 of 12
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: 2011 Holiday tale, part 1 of 12 
Don't look at me like that, it's cold out. 
Panel 1 
Caption: As winter falls, 
Panel 2 
Caption: all seems cold, bleak, 
Panel 3 
empty, desolate, hopeless, and lifeless, 
Panel 4 
Caption: but, if one looks close, they'll see, a spark, a spark of hope that all should hold dear.

comic search terms: 2011 Holiday tale, part 1 of 12
comic dialog: Don't look at me like that, it's cold out.

Panel 1
Caption: As winter falls,
Panel 2
Caption: all seems cold, bleak,
Panel 3
empty, desolate, hopeless, and lifeless,
Panel 4
Caption: but, if one looks close, they'll see, a spark, a spark of hope that all should hold dear.
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Ok, I have a general idea for the holiday story. Here's hoping it pans out, since I don't have it completely written, and I'll be busy for a lot of it. I will however try. I was rather close to just taking December off, but, I didn't want to do that to you my loyal readers. I really do appreciate your following me, so I'll try to push through the busyness and create.

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