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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"What? Again? I guess I can spare a minute."
- Dixie Lancastar, circa 1960 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"I've never met a challenge I didn't enjoy and learn from."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

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2011 Holiday tale, part 2 of 12
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: 2011 Holiday tale, part 2 of 12 
But look, it's snowing in my game, isn't that good enough? 
Panel 1 
Caption: Let us look in on Jacob and see if, on this holiday, he too can find that spark. 
Cassandra: Are you ready to head out? 
Panel 2 
Jacob: But it's cold out there. 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Couldn't we just stay in and game? 
Panel 4 
Cassandra: *sigh* 
Jacob: Fine. Fine. Quest accepted, let me gather up my gold pieces. If only I got double xp for this.

comic search terms: 2011 Holiday tale, part 2 of 12
comic dialog: But look, it's snowing in my game, isn't that good enough?

Panel 1
Caption: Let us look in on Jacob and see if, on this holiday, he too can find that spark.
Cassandra: Are you ready to head out?
Panel 2
Jacob: But it's cold out there.
Panel 3
Jacob: Couldn't we just stay in and game?
Panel 4
Cassandra: *sigh*
Jacob: Fine. Fine. Quest accepted, let me gather up my gold pieces. If only I got double xp for this.
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Trial and error
I'm trying something a little different for the inking. I'm inking in a darker color, instead of in black. So far, I have mixed feelings about it. I'll probably continue it throughout the holiday comic and then decide to keep doing it, or just switch back to black lines. Feel free to let me know what you think or what you think I should do differently.


Doctor Who 2011 Holiday teaser

Cello Wars

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