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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"It's all fun and games, until I start shooting. Then it becomes sport."
- Corporal T. Hooker, 1923 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"Every time I grasp at the unattainable, I come back with an empty hand."
- Zen Master Chi'na, 689 A.D.

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Practical poet
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Practical poet 
Oh yeah, I forgot, I also emailed the client once the server was tested.  I would've put that in, but then it would be a book. 
Panel 1 
Jase: ARGH! I can't make heads or tails of this server install. It's nothing like our default. What did they do? 
Panel 2 
Helpful Harry: Have you checked their install notes? 
Jase: Hmmm. Good point. I couldn't find them earlier, but I'll look again. 
Panel 3 
Jase: Oh. There is is. 
Panel 4 
Jase: Oh. Real helpful. Guess we hired a novelist here.

comic search terms: Practical poet
comic dialog: Oh yeah, I forgot, I also emailed the client once the server was tested. I would've put that in, but then it would be a book.

Panel 1
Jase: ARGH! I can't make heads or tails of this server install. It's nothing like our default. What did they do?
Panel 2
Helpful Harry: Have you checked their install notes?
Jase: Hmmm. Good point. I couldn't find them earlier, but I'll look again.
Panel 3
Jase: Oh. There is is.
Panel 4
Jase: Oh. Real helpful. Guess we hired a novelist here.
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We all hate to document our steps/code, but do it anyways. It's good for you. Just don't make me do it. That's not fair.

Wow. I'm really tired. Curse you day light savings. Why do we still have this? What a waste. On the bright side, I have the base version of the tournament trophies done. Now I have to paint them and create bases for them, maybe.

I almost forgot, Psych aired a new episode last week, and I got a chance to watch it on Friday. All I can say is, the "Heeeeere's Lassie" episode of Psych is amazingly good. Thanks to those invilved for an excelent episode. It even paid homage to a movie I hated, and I still thought the episode was great, that's how good it was.

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