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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"I get bounced back and forth more than a metronome."
- Milly Baler, 1979 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"adventures only take place after you've started down a path"
- Sun Laotin, 2009 A.D.

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Raiders of the lost tech
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Raiders of the lost tech 
Pickle spears? Really? That the best you got? OW! That broke skin! 
Panel 1 
Charles: Hey, I've got a floppy... 
Jane: Don't worry, I hear that happens to all guys at some point. It's probably just stress. 
Panel 2 
Charles: No! I have an image I need taken off my floppy. 
Jane: Sounds painful, but I hear lasers can do wonders now. 
Charles: Floppy disk! Not floppy... floppy. 
Jane: Oh. Then talk to Jase, maybe he can find some relic to read that for you. 
Panel 3 
Jase: There it is! 
Panel 4 
Sound effect: RUMBLE 
Jase: I hake my job! I hake my job! I hake my job!

comic search terms: Raiders of the lost tech
comic dialog: Pickle spears? Really? That the best you got? OW! That broke skin!

Panel 1
Charles: Hey, I've got a floppy...
Jane: Don't worry, I hear that happens to all guys at some point. It's probably just stress.
Panel 2
Charles: No! I have an image I need taken off my floppy.
Jane: Sounds painful, but I hear lasers can do wonders now.
Charles: Floppy disk! Not floppy... floppy.
Jane: Oh. Then talk to Jase, maybe he can find some relic to read that for you.
Panel 3
Jase: There it is!
Panel 4
Sound effect: RUMBLE
Jase: I hake my job! I hake my job! I hake my job!
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Enjoy the ride
Hopefully, the quality makes up for the comic being posted one hour late.

Ok, this one took a long time to do, and I know this is going to sound arrogant, but I think it turned out really good. Now, when I look at this a year from now, I might have a different feeling towards it, but right now, I'm really liking it. I hope you like it too.

Just a reminder, check out the Age of Chivalry server and give me your feedback, before the contest takes place. Once the contest starts, the server settings will be set in stone, so now's your only chance to have a say in it.

Ok, it's really late, so I'm off to bed.

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