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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"Mornings are like sewage systems. It's great to have them, but it's rare that you want to actually see them."
- Scott Mulligan, 1640 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"Never do a job that's not worth doing."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Sunday's quote
"You can't reason with a bear, but you can push your friend down as a symbolic offering."
- Survival in the wilderness, 1894 A.D.

Monday's quote
"It's a good thing I'm not always right, otherwise this would be a terrible, terrible world."
- Brian Orwelt, 1902 A.D.

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Cause I needed to
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Cause I needed to 
The cause is good and all, until you need a little someth'in someth'in, so, can I have some too? 
Panel 1 
Sign: Don't Hate! Vampires need Love too! 
Panel 2 
Van Peerin: DUDE! Really? Right here? What about the cause man? Wait until I tell the union. 
Panel 3 
Drac Coolya: YOU SAW NOTHING! 
Panel 4 
Sign: Don't Hate! Vampires need Love too! 
Van Peerin: What was I just saying?

comic search terms: Cause I needed to
comic dialog: The cause is good and all, until you need a little someth'in someth'in, so, can I have some too?

Panel 1
Sign: Don't Hate! Vampires need Love too!
Panel 2
Van Peerin: DUDE! Really? Right here? What about the cause man? Wait until I tell the union.
Panel 3
Panel 4
Sign: Don't Hate! Vampires need Love too!
Van Peerin: What was I just saying?
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This comic is also dedicated to vampirism in Skyrim (I did a long rant on it a while back). This comic has also been in the queue for a while, since it's been weeks since I've touched Skyrim. In the game though, you can get attacked by a vampire, and then you're cursed. There are three phases of it, and you change slowly over time. You start to notice changes, but I had no idea that my character was becoming a vampire, until I hit phase three, and all the towns people would attack on sight. It turns out you have to feed, and then for a short period of time, they won't attack you. In my opinion, that's kind of annoying, and to find out, because you can't get into town, and you're over-encumbered, because you love raiding. Well, let's just say, finding out like that is enough to really piss someone off. I almost quit the game, after I spent a chunk of time trying to figure out what I do to get rid of vampirism, or even how I get into town. So yeah, if you want to feed as a vampire (since that's the only way to get into town without being attacked), you have to sneak in under the cover of night, break in to a house, and pickpocket a sleeping individual. This brings up a menu to feed. If it wasn't for the internet, I never would've figured that out (I'm not playing as a thief). Then, if you want to remove it (once you're at stage three), you have to go to a bar, ask the bartender about rumors, and then you'll have a quest. That's also something that I'd never have known. it was just badly handled in my opinion. So yeah, if you get attacked by a vampire, go drink a cure all potion, and you'll be better, as long as it's in phase one. Otherwise, good luck.

Due to travel, the Monday comic will be posted on Tuesday.

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