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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"No matter how dark the night, there's always still light that can be blotted out."
- Geraldo Pique, 1462 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"we perceive the reality we want and then complain when it acts different than expected"
- Albert Chestly, 2002 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"the one who's closest to you is often the one who knows how to defeat you"
- Peppie LaVoun, 1879 A.D.

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Client integration
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Client integration 
What? Not every cross breed can turn out like a pearapple.

comic search terms: Client integration
comic dialog: What? Not every cross breed can turn out like a pearapple.
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So, I know I've complained about Diablo 3 a lot, but I'm still playing it. Even with no rpg aspects, it's a fun dungeon crawler.

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