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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"If it's not broken, then why are we upgrading?"
- Improper Sales Techniques, 1987 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"The darkest of times are often remembered clearer than the brightest of memories."
- Dr. Chanald Chattly (Historian), 1964 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"it may look like a ship, smell like a ship, and sound like a ship, but until you see it sail, don't assume it's a ship"
- Captain Chester Halley, 1655 A.D.

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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Friennnnnnndsss 
You should see reason number thirty one, it's a doosey. 
Panel 1 
Joe Joewillager: I've been told it's going to be an open casket. 
Jill Joewillager: I hope that doesn't creep me out. I reall want to say goodbye to him. 
Panel 2 
Joe Joewillager: You'll be missed you goffy #$%@# 
Jill Joewillager: How did they pose him like that? 
Caption: Just one of the many reasons I'm not allowed to plan my own wake

comic search terms: Friennnnnnndsss
comic dialog: You should see reason number thirty one, it's a doosey.

Panel 1
Joe Joewillager: I've been told it's going to be an open casket.
Jill Joewillager: I hope that doesn't creep me out. I reall want to say goodbye to him.
Panel 2
Joe Joewillager: You'll be missed you goffy #$%@#
Jill Joewillager: How did they pose him like that?
Caption: Just one of the many reasons I'm not allowed to plan my own wake
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So, as I was sitting at the wake, I thought to myself, "how would I do this different?", and this is what I came up with. My fiance didn't like the idea, but I think it would be funny. Well, as the person being propped up, it would be funny for me. It probably wouldn't be funny for the people attending. I also didn't bring this up until well after the wake, like days after. I'm not completely insensitive. So, what do you think one would use to pose a corpse like a zombie for a wake? I'm thinking adamantium metal rods just pressed into the body, or just under the clothes. (Yes, I know adamantium isn't real. I'm not that far gone yet.) What would the rest of you do to leave your mark on your wake? One last sky dive with your closest friends? Have you hand extended so you can shake everyone's hand? Be dressed up as your favorite scifi/fantasy character? Have a tape recorder hidden in your pocket to say goodbye? What can I say, I have a dark sense of humor. It's what helps me get through life without snapping. Just think about it. If you think up a good one, email it to me and I might throw it in a comment later. If you do email me one, remember to include the name of who you want me to give credit to, and a site you have, if you have one.

If all goes according to plan, next week will be regular inked comics again.

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