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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"Much like wit, the sharper the blade is, the less there is of it. "
- Philip LaMonjue, 1724 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"hope just leads to disappointment, so always aim low"
- John Smith (Homeless), 1964 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"the brighter the light, the smaller the iris."
- A guide to successful photography, 1974 A.D.

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B is for bad
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: B is for bad 
This heart replacement is great, until I have to eat. 
Panel 1 
Doc: Scalpel! 
Nurse: But doctor, repairing the heart would take hours, and little Billy is waiting to see you with what might be a cold! 
Panel 2 
Doc: Well then, I guess there's no choice, but to go with plan B! 
Panel 3 
Nurse: NO! Not PLAN B! We all agreed it was the worst possible plan. 
Panel 4 
Doc: Well what would you have me do?! Little Billy is waiting and I can't see him until I finish here. PLAN B IT IS! 
Panel 5 
Sam: Uhhhh.. is.. is the surgery over? 
Panel 6 
Panel 7 
Sound effect: SNAP! 
Panel 8 
Doc: Yeah. Something like that.

comic search terms: B is for bad
comic dialog: This heart replacement is great, until I have to eat.

Panel 1
Doc: Scalpel!
Nurse: But doctor, repairing the heart would take hours, and little Billy is waiting to see you with what might be a cold!
Panel 2
Doc: Well then, I guess there's no choice, but to go with plan B!
Panel 3
Nurse: NO! Not PLAN B! We all agreed it was the worst possible plan.
Panel 4
Doc: Well what would you have me do?! Little Billy is waiting and I can't see him until I finish here. PLAN B IT IS!
Panel 5
Sam: Uhhhh.. is.. is the surgery over?
Panel 6
Panel 7
Sound effect: SNAP!
Panel 8
Doc: Yeah. Something like that.
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Oh the power of centrifugal force. Sometimes I'm really glad that surgeons don't follow the decision making process that other professions follow.

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