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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"A trend for animals tends to be primal in nature, so why are we confused when the same is true about humans?"
- Mandy T. Hinker PhD., 1979 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"If I ruled the world, the first thing I'd do is demote myself, so I could have some free time."
- Rosy Palhm, 1987 A.D.

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Welcome warnings
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Welcome warnings 
And little Jacob even likes being in fishy and cavernous things. 
Panel 1 
Jase: Welcome to Chateau Le Geek! 
Panel 2 
Jane: Welcome! It'll be nice to now have a little Hope in our lives every day. 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Nobody says that about having a little Jacob, now with S.C.U.B.A gear and spelunking accessories, in them every day. 
Panel 4 
Hope: So this is what I'm getting into, huh? 
Jase: Oh, this is way tame. Wait until a new season of Dr. Who starts, or a new game is released. 
Hope: Then it's really a run for your life kind of scenario?

comic search terms: Welcome warnings
comic dialog: And little Jacob even likes being in fishy and cavernous things.

Panel 1
Jase: Welcome to Chateau Le Geek!
Panel 2
Jane: Welcome! It'll be nice to now have a little Hope in our lives every day.
Panel 3
Jacob: Nobody says that about having a little Jacob, now with S.C.U.B.A gear and spelunking accessories, in them every day.
Panel 4
Hope: So this is what I'm getting into, huh?
Jase: Oh, this is way tame. Wait until a new season of Dr. Who starts, or a new game is released.
Hope: Then it's really a run for your life kind of scenario?
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So many directions, so little time
So, this weekend was supposed to be all about packing, because I'm moving next weekend, but instead, I had to work, day job, and then my wife and her friend rescued a couple of stray cats, one of which was very worried, rightly so, about being abandoned. It was a very good thing they did, seeing as how Denver is getting really cold now, but the timing was horrible. Then, like a fool, to relax a little, I played dishonored. This means that so far, only 90% of packing has been unlocked. The cats are very cute though. We'll get them checked out at the vet to see if they have chips. If not, I guess we now have two cats.

On today's comic, I tried something different with the shading, what do people think? This time I did base colors, followed by a very blurred base shading, and then after that, I did a sharper shade line. Normally the last two steps are one, so it's a less sharp but not as blurred single step of shading. I'm not sure why I tried this, but I like how it came out in some parts and less so in others. You know how most people try to streamline what they do regularly, to make it go faster each time? Well, I seem to just try to complicate and improve on those things, so instead of taking one to two hours, they take four plus. This is why the comic is a hobby, and not a profession for me.

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