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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"Sometimes, the only way to make it to an end point is to traverse the circle backwards."
- James Rime, 1930 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"Following a hole will always lead you somewhere, but sometimes it leads you to a place you can't get out of."
- Charleston D. Unty, 1951 A.D.

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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Mongo SMASH 
Jason, breaking people up since Friday the 13th. 
Panel 1 
Tom: Ug. Not another disjointed join. 
Panel 2 
Tom: What the?! This join also didn't turn out as expected. 
George: I don't know if this it the time to tell you this, but I've always wanted to be your squeeze. 
Panel 3 
Jason: Don't worry, I'll fix this! 
Sound effect: CUT 
Tom: Uh oh. I think I just made a shard. 
Panel 4 
Tom: Wow. Thanks! 
George: Well, now that THAT sticky situation is over, want to go grab a night cap? 
Jason: NO!  You are two separate entities. There will be no more joining today!

comic search terms: Mongo SMASH
comic dialog: Jason, breaking people up since Friday the 13th.

Panel 1
Tom: Ug. Not another disjointed join.
Panel 2
Tom: What the?! This join also didn't turn out as expected.
George: I don't know if this it the time to tell you this, but I've always wanted to be your squeeze.
Panel 3
Jason: Don't worry, I'll fix this!
Sound effect: CUT
Tom: Uh oh. I think I just made a shard.
Panel 4
Tom: Wow. Thanks!
George: Well, now that THAT sticky situation is over, want to go grab a night cap?
Jason: NO! You are two separate entities. There will be no more joining today!
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First off, yes, I know Jason doesn't talk, but what fun would that have been?

Normally, today would be a comic staring the main characters of this comic, since it's Wednesday, and I do that on Monday and Wednesday, but I just attended a MongoDB conference in Chicago today (#MongoDBDays, MongoDB Chicago), and during it, I came up with this. This isn't a for or an against MongoDB kind of thing, it's just a joke. MongoDB actually has some really cool things, like their replication options, and dynamic document storage. They also have some large gotchas (as all DBs/software packages do), like single index usage on queries, no joining, and no means of insuring at least a partial schema (in case you don't trust your developers). One of the people I was there with was joking about walking out on the conference because they didn't support joins, and the first thing the first technical speaker talked about was how joins were bad. That lead to this series of one off comics that, with a little reworking, worked well as a four panel comic. Also, the joke in the first panel was refined thanks to a facebook comment, by one of my friends, about the posted sketch, and the shard joke is thanks to the friend who was going to throw a chair and storm out due to the no joins. I also might make a t-shirt about fragmentation, something else which was discussed in the conference.

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