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Evils of technology by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Evils of technology 
Panel 1 
Sound effect: SLAM! 
Jacob: Games! Games! Games! Games! Games! Games! 
Panel 2 
Jacob: Games! Games! Games! 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Games! Games! Games! Games! 
Panel 4 
Tabula rasa downloading 
Jacob: 6 Hours?! NNnnnOOooooooo!

comic search terms: Evils of technology
comic dialog: Panel 1
Sound effect: SLAM!
Jacob: Games! Games! Games! Games! Games! Games!
Panel 2
Jacob: Games! Games! Games!
Panel 3
Jacob: Games! Games! Games! Games!
Panel 4
Tabula rasa downloading
Jacob: 6 Hours?! NNnnnOOooooooo!
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Sorry about the lack of comments lately, I've been going through the Holliday Aftermath lately. The clean up, the hiding, the covering up of the horrendous events, heh. It was as all holidays are, some good, some bah, and some bleh. I made it through again, all limbs attached, only a few scars. I hope the rest of you were as successful. I'll update the forums when I have a free second, probably tonight.

It is amazing out
Wow today is a nice day. It's like the perfect weather for me, grey, damp, low to mid 60s, the smell of winter in the air... perfect.

It's days like today that I really hate the fact that I work inside. It was so very hard for me to wake up and come into work today. When I stepped outside my apartment, I had to fight the urge to simply go to a forest preserve and write, or draw, or contemplate the meaning of life. Even now, it's really hard for me to not simply leave and run around outside, like a dog let loose in the woods. *Sigh* but alas, I am a programmer, so I sit here and I program.

Days like today make me rethink my life and my job... days like today are great. Perhaps some day I'll be an artist or a writer or some such, until such time, however.. I code.

Tabula Rasa
Sometimes I despise technology. Now mind you, I think it's great that I don't have to leave my house to buy a game. It's great that I can simply download a game and play it, but 6 hours... and I really wanted to play Tabula Rasa on Friday night.

I did eventually get to play it Saturday and Sunday. It's a fun game. Similar to World of Warcraft, but in the future, with guns, and a lot more action. So far I haven't ever been running around with nothing to do, or nothing to kill. One mission I have is to kill 200 of a certain enemy. When I saw that number, I'm like "Ahhhh!! this is going to suck!", but I'm up to 132 of them, just from running between missions, not even seeking them out. There's also a cool experience modder you get when you start on a killing spree. If you're just killing everything around you, you're experience form the kills will just to 125%, then 150%, and so on. The highest I've gotten so far is 250%, then I ran out of things to kill. I'm really enjoying the game so far. I haven't figured out how to create a team yet, and I haven't done any pvp yet, but I will, in time.

Now for the few downsides of the game. Once you choose a last name, it is the last name of all your characters. This isn't a big deal for me, but I'm assuming it will piss a lot of people off. Tabula Rasa is also a 2.7gb download, if you don't buy the game. The game itself costs $39.99->$49.99 for the standard version, with a $15 monthly fee. There is a free 3 day trial, for those who want to try before they buy. The final issue I've found with it, (in my two days of playing) is that it's currently buggy, very very buggy, and yet I still keep playing. The bugs so far, both my version, and a friend's version seem to randomly crash, normally when turning around. My friend's version seems to also lock up every now and then, when anti-aliasing is turned on. Mine, right after install would display flickering graphics. I'm playing on an Acer with an ati x1400. Acer has not updated the video drivers to the latest, and ATI won't give you drivers for one in an Acer system. I wound up getting Omega Drivers. These are drivers not supported or released by ATI, after I got that, the flickering went away.

All in all, I like the game, and even with the bugs, I'm still playing it. If you want to find me online, look for Aremarr.

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