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Bring forth the rain! by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Bring forth the rain!

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The back story
So.. last week, Chicago was hit with a little rain. So, on this day, I was working remotely and talking to a co-worker online about testing paterns and what we would call them so we could keep them straight, when he tells me that the office had to go take cover incase of tornados. My reply was something along the lines of, "What?". I'm quick of wit you see. No, I replied with, but it's bright out. Then I looked outside and saw that it was noon and getting dark. Then the rain came.

I ran and got my camera. Then for about five minutes, I watched the storm, taking photos. Within about 30 seconds of doing that, I was drenched.

I then went back to work, as people's power went out. Later that night, I had to go to the dojo. It was still raining. The dojo I go to is 3 miles from my apartment. I took the el, but I still got drenched. My Gi, which was in my backpack, got long streaks of being drenched.

It was actually a lot of fun, and hey, I got a bunch of photos from my camera and phone.

Photos and video of the storm
Sideways video(3.3MB)
And then I remembered to turn my camera around.(16.4MB)

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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