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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"If we talk through our problems, what will we have left to fight about?"
- Granny Smith, 1918 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"I can't think of a tragedy that hasn't been a win to someone else."
- Funerals Gone Wrong, 1990 A.D.

Friday's quote
"There are no good fights, there are only depressing endings."
- Master P. Pong, 1418 A.D.

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Bats, bats, everywhere
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Bats, bats, everywhere 
Like bells? 
Panel 1 
Caption: You never know what you'll find in your belfrey.

comic search terms: Bats, bats, everywhere
comic dialog: Like bells?

Panel 1
Caption: You never know what you'll find in your belfrey.
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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I seem to be busy a lot
Ok, this isn't my best drawing, but oh well.

For those of you curious as to what I've been doing, one of the things has bee trying to put together pdfs of my comics so when the comic ends this year, people can have archived versions to read whenever they want. Over the next handful of months, I'll probably be posting the progress of the various versions, for people to download and enjoy. Once I get a really finished version, I'll try and release if on comixology and probably setup a pay what you want version somewhere, but until then, enjoy the rough alpha versions. Here's an alpha version of year one. Enjoy.

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