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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"Time passes regardless of if you're moving or standing still."
- Yeah, it's all Relative, 1977 A.D.

Tuesday's quote
"I like to get my power from a plug, but not that kind of plug."
- George Mandez, 1981 A.D.

Wednesday's quote
"Don't YOU tell me when to raise my periscope. It'll happen when the time is right."
- Capt. Smithers, 1977 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"Tea brews fastest when someone else is brewing it."
- Jonathon Shoemaker, 1875 A.D.

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The Devil's day off
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: The Devil's day off 
I knew I shouldn't have taken my hearing aid out. 
Foggy (perhaps less foggy now): SO YOU'RE BLIND, HUH?! 
Daredevil: OH !#?!, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU COME IN!

comic search terms: The Devil's day off
comic dialog: I knew I shouldn't have taken my hearing aid out.

Foggy (perhaps less foggy now): SO YOU'RE BLIND, HUH?!
Daredevil: OH !#?!, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU COME IN!
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This one is inspired by the Netflix version, which I finished watching last week. It was enjoyable, but the two actors that play Daredevil have a hard time not moving their eyes to look at who they're talking to. Other than that, my only dislikes are small. The suit looks weird, and I have no idea why they make the Kingpin have a raspy voice. If you like superhero stories, and you get a chance, check out season one on Netflix. It's rather well done.

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