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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"If bicycles were designed to make travel easier, why do people ride them for exercise?"
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Tuesday's quote
"Humans are chemical furnaces given action by chance."
- Prof. Diddi Landfort, 1987 A.D.

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Batting away bliss
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Batting away bliss 
You MUST be happy to see me. 
Panel 1 
Jane: Do you think Jacob had a good time at Comic Con? 
Panel 2 
Cassandra:  I think he had some fun. 
Panel 3 
Jane: Gee. How could you tell? 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Oh Bruce, you chin is so big

comic search terms: Batting away bliss
comic dialog: You MUST be happy to see me.

Panel 1
Jane: Do you think Jacob had a good time at Comic Con?
Panel 2
Cassandra: I think he had some fun.
Panel 3
Jane: Gee. How could you tell?
Panel 4
Jacob: Oh Bruce, you chin is so big
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Change is a foot, or a coin
Who doesn't have dreams about Bruce Campbell? No one, that's who. Heh.

Ok. Ok. That last frame isn't entirely like me when I got back. You see, I don't bat at things in my sleep.

Wow, on another note, this has been a very productive weekend. I've come to several different decisions about the comic. Things like this happen when I get inspired by other comics, and when I get a new laptop. As you might have noticed, I'm playing around with the art a bit, mostly with inking weights and coloring techniques. These were things I heard about at Wizard World/Chicago Comic Con, and I thought I'd give them a try (Tom Nguyen talked about them in his session). I hope you all enjoy it, if not, let me know, or if you have suggestions, please let me know. Any info I get to improve the site can only help.

In addition to playing around with the art, I'm going to try going back to updates three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is just a test to see if I can maintain it. This was brought about by a want to get better at my story telling/story arcs. Recently, this weekend, I was reminded by a friend, about a web comic I had wanted to read ("Questionable Content"). I'd been shown this site before. I read the first few comics, and was like, "I should read all of these". I then forgot about it until now. I've read through the first 100 of 2000 (you should check it out), and I was really impressed by the story telling. I've always had problems trying to push a story arc forward while maintaining a joke in every comic, and trying to keep the comics self enclosed enough that someone can jump in at anytime. It's kind of a tricky thing, so, when I read one that does it really well, it inspires me, and I want to do better. It's like looking at a gorgeous painting and suddenly wanting to draw and paint to get that good, or looking at the way a beautiful and graceful person moves and wanting to... er um.. never mind. Heh. Other comics that have done this to me before have been "General Protection Fault" and "Girls with Slingshots". Both of them are able to build on their characters and often also have a self contained joke. Now, the reason I'm picking up Wednesday again is, I've found it difficult to maintain a story line when I done one comic a week that pertains to it. I'm hoping that doing two a week will help keep it on my mind, and give me more practice at it. This is however, just a test. If I can't maintain it, I'll move back to two a week. On the bright side, I have almost all the story arc comics for September written, and I've gotten some of the writing for the Halloween comic done. So yeah, a productive weekend.

Just a reminder, the Halloween contest is well on its way. You should shoot over there and try to win. I've determined what the comic related prize will be (in addition to the gift certificates). It will be a Halloween themed t-shirt for the winners, and a Halloween themed mug for second place. The art for those should be done before October 1st.

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