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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Monday's quote
"The fewer the critics that live, the greater the emperor."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

Tuesday's quote
"An empty boat is a boat that sails faster, but has no place to go."
- Marsapan Di'Gello, 1764 A.D.

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Dragons cometh
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Dragons cometh 
There's no saving you from the dragon's breath, unless you have a Pentos. 
Panel 1 
Jase: Oh no! 
Panel 2 
Jase: I hope I'm not too late. 
Panel 3 
Jase: Maybe he didn't notice it yet. Maybe I can still stop him. 
Panel 4 
Hehehehe! There be dragons here.

comic search terms: Dragons cometh
comic dialog: There's no saving you from the dragon's breath, unless you have a Pentos.

Panel 1
Jase: Oh no!
Panel 2
Jase: I hope I'm not too late.
Panel 3
Jase: Maybe he didn't notice it yet. Maybe I can still stop him.
Panel 4
Hehehehe! There be dragons here.
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Well, I shouldn't have gotten it, because I don't have the time or money for it, but I did, and OMG. Skyrim has arrived, and it's really really good. I guess I can kiss November goodbye. I also apologize for interrupting our story arc with this short two parter. Skyrim was/is just too enjoyable for me not to make some comic about it. On Wednesday's comic I'll attach some images so you can see how pretty the environment is. It's a real nice change from all the post apocalyptic environments out there lately. The game is made by the same people that made Fallout 3, one of my favorite the post apocalyptic games. And, they decided to break the mold a little bit with this game. It's an RPG (role playing game, not report program generator) but, instead of you choosing all your stats (you still get to choose some perks and which of three elements health, mana, stamina you want to up), they took a note from Borderlands, and your stats grow based on your game play. Unlike Borderlands, this growth is very evident. If your primary weapon is a sword, you'll notice it swing faster and more accurately as you use it more. The game also has the standard crafting, mining, and questing you'd expect in an RPG, and, more than that, it has dragons, familiars, and horses to ride. The game really is a lot of fun. So far, for me, the only real down side is the lack of multiplayer (like Fallout 3). It would be nice to be able to get a group of friends together to quest, even if the story was based around the leader, instead of based around each person. Other than that, the game is great. I'm going to try to limit my gaming to two to three hours a day (sounds like a lot, but I could easily put in 8+ a day, I'm already at 17 hours, and I've only had the game a few days, and I've done the comic). I'll let people know how it goes as I go.

If you bought Elder Scrolls: SkyRim for PC, here are a couple bugs to watch out for.

So far, I've only hit 3 bugs in 17 hours of play.

If SkyRim crashes on start before the main menu displays, and this happens every time you start up the game, chances are, your audio settings in Windows are too high.

To fix this on Windows 7, Start menu -> Control Panel -> Sound -> Playback
Click on the speakers you're using and click on properties.
Choose the tab "Advanced"
Change the "Default Format" to : "24bit, 44100 Hz (Studio quality)"
I made that change and I haven't hit the problem again.

If after a lot of game play, you start losing textures in SkyRim.

So, after I have been playing for hours, I'd randomly see a texture missing here or there. I turned down my antialiasing and antistropic filtering from 8 samples to 4 samples. This can be done by clicking on the "options" button after starting up the game. After doing that, I haven't seen the problem anymore. This could just be my video card. I chose a low-ish level video card when building my system, because I couldn't afford a high end one.

SkyRim might crash when fast traveling.

This only happened to me once, and I don't know why it crashed, but ever since then, I save just before fast traveling. I'd recommend you do the same to be safe.

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