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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"The best sports are the ones I win."
- Dodge Ball Campion of the World Chillee B. Allis, 1988 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"I dream today, of a better day, a day with bunnies and unicorns."
- Senior Miguel Lopez, 1969 A.D.

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State of the Union 2012
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: State of the Union 2012 
Play on my pipe blowing friend, play on. 
Panel 1 
Caption: Drawn in by the siren song of politics.

comic search terms: State of the Union 2012
comic dialog: Play on my pipe blowing friend, play on.

Panel 1
Caption: Drawn in by the siren song of politics.
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I know this is more of a piper than a siren, but same diff. All I can say is, it's really nice to have a president that's intelligent and well spoken. He also said a lot of things that I agreed with, unfortunately, he doesn't have much power to make them happen. As far as I can tell, the only way to actually get things to change is to change congress. Maybe someday, when I'm motivated, I'll put together a "pass a bill" website, so people can write and petition new bills, so they get put on ballots. It shouldn't be that difficult to write. Some day, when I have free time.

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