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Man overboard by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Man overboard

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Long day
Sorry the comic isn't done, I't 4:45am and I've just gotten home after working a 19+ hour day. Gee that was fun. Oh and did I mention that I have a 9am flight to catch, and I haven't packed. Oh yeah, and it takes 30 minutes to an hour to get to the airport, so I'm leaving at 6:30/7. Boy will this be fun. I'll update the site when I get back. Hope you all have a good week.

soooo tired
7am... been up for 15 min... I can almost feel my arms. Sooo tired, I want to go back to sleep. Must catch a flight though. 1 to 1.5 hours of sleep does not equal enough sleep.

I made it here.
Well, I've made it here, for what little I've seen, before I crashed for 15 hours it's cool. Relaxing, near the Hudson. Soo I get to eat breakfast and then travel some more. This next set of travel is to get me to the city where the wedding will take place, hopefully in time for Jen to make it to the rehersal. OK, tim e for a late breakfast.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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