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Too much gaming: Pac-ed by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Too much gaming: Pac-ed

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Whhaaaa.. ghosts everywhere
Unfortunately, it is with great shame that I announce that I lost the picture that went with this one. One of the dishes served was a mint lemon sorbet, to clean out pallets between dishes. I was eating mine, and I formed pacman. It was a totally subconscious thing, but my life fell into place when I saw it. Hmmm.. well ok, maybe it wasn’t that significant to me, but it did make me chuckle to myself a little bit. It was then that I knew I must eat all the other power pellets in order to go to the next level. Unfortunately.. that was not allowed.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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