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A gift for Jacob: Part 7 by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:A gift for Jacob: Part 7

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Gifts, good or bad
Why am I doing a Christmas holiday storyline? I thought about this a little. I'm not really religious, and if I were, I would know how little of Christmas has anything to do with Christian mythology. Yet I still like the season. I think I know why. What I was able to come up with, is that I like the change in people during this season. People seem to be happier and nicer to each other (except when in a store). The gifts are ok, but it's the fact that it gives people an excuse to show each other how they feel towards each other, that makes it so great. So that is why I'm doing this story line, I think. I'll also share with you the movies that I watch every year that get me in the Christmas spirit. "Scrooged", "Die Hard", and either "Alien" or "Alien:Resurection". In fact yesterday, I watched "Die Hard" and "Alien". I'll probably watch "Scrooged" on Monday.

Now for some excitement that could only be brought by a gift to a sugar hyped child.

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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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