Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
50 The big 50! Who would've thought that I'd have made it so far? So far it's been fun, a bit tiring, but definately fun. Soon it will also be 6 months. At that time I plan to celebrate.
Bourne So my relationship with the Bourne movies is a love/hate thing. I just saw the latest movie "Ultimatum". The story is great, the characters are very cool, but the camera work, like the previous one... horrifically bad. I don't know who thought that shaking the camera all the time would make it interesting, but the were on crack. I mean really.. when showing a boardroom meeting, there's no action, let it be. When looking at a piece of paper, there's no action. Shaking the camera does not add action. Throwing the camera down stairs does not make a fight scene better. If they didn't do the stupid things like that, the movies would be great, but since they do... the movies are good at best. I would recommend watching them, but do expect the camera work to suck, or maybe it's the direction.