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Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:GIS 
Can you ever have too much GIS? 
Panel 1 
Officer 1: So, what's the story? 
Officer 2: He died of G.I.S. Google Instant seizure.

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Comic dialog
Can you ever have too much GIS?

Panel 1
Officer 1: So, what's the story?
Officer 2: He died of G.I.S. Google Instant seizure.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Google Instant
Ok, my first opinion of Google Instant (the new feature on where it shows you results while you're typing, because it cuts down search times by two to four seconds), is that it's more distracting than useful. So now I don't use chrome for anything google related, and I use IE6 and IE7 for google searches now, because they aren't google instant enabled.

Well, I'm heading back to Chicago for a week, it should be fun. I get to work and train, but that means I need to get packed. Oh, I'm working on some cool new additions to the site, I'll post more when I have more to post about them. Ok, that's all for now.

Oh, before I forget, remember that Sunday is talk like a pirate day.

A funny link
Before I forget, here's a highly funny, extremely offensive, not safe for work, link. The link.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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