Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Ok, ok Ok, so you're saying to yourself "wait.. he's from Chicago. What does he mean by 'just got back'?" Well, OK, you got me there. I live in Chicago, and Wizard World 2009: Chicago was held just outside Chicago in Rosemont, but I did have to take the el to get there, at least two of the three days I went to it.
I do however have a lot of comics to read now. Some of them want feedback, because it always cool to hear if people like or don't like your work, and what in particular they like or don't like.
As always, when I return from a comic book convention, I'm way poorer financially, but I'm way richer artistically. There are a bunch of new techniques that I'll be trying as the month goes on, please feel free to comment on them in the forums [the link on the left there, or in the top menu]. I'll also try and leave some comments on cool comics I've found at the convention, so others can find and enjoy them.
For those that can't wait until I crop, filter, and touch up photos from Wizard World 2009, here's a link to the raw images. The only thing I've done with these is rotate them (when needed) and used a batch method of reducing them in size. Enjoy.
So far, I have run across two comics that people should check out. They are:
Genecy [Sorry I couldn't find a link to the comic] This comic is the origin story and it's like Conan mixed with the Silver Surfer. It's a cool sci-fi.
bad kids go to hell This is a more adult themed comic. I only picked up issue one there, since I wasn't 100% sure about it, but I should picked up the rest. Unfortunately, they don't accept payments online yet, but I'll find a way to purchase them. This comic is more of a teen horror.
Well, that's the update for now. I'll add more updates as I find more gems.