Comic dialog
Panel 1
Jay Smith: Wow, I've never watched a server burn before.
Mac Tor: Yeah, it's beautiful isn't it?
Jay Smith: So, when should I throw this gas on it?
Mac Tor: Oh, you'll know when. Trust me.
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
How many bots does it take to crash a server Well, I made it comic because the Smokin Guns server I'm using for the contest went down for a little while, and all I could do was sit there and watch. It was glorious and sad. But, as I look at the comic now, I realize that this really relates to comsiderably more situations in my life. It is fun to watch it burn down, but building it back up is normally a lot of work.
Week 2 winner Prophet is the winner of week two of the contest, and he's currently the leader for the monthly prize. Congrats.
RIP rm-r-comic Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015