Comic dialog
There's also rarely enchanted items at the end of a quest. Normally there's just another quest, because it's a bug, not a feature.
Panel 1
Hope: You've been playing that game a long time. How about we go out and do something?
Panel 2
Jase: But, there's no lag.
Panel 3
Hope: Seriously? But there's a whole exciting world out there. What does that game have that the real world doesn't?
Panel 4
Jase: A mute button
Hope: What did you say?!
Jase: Minute buttons, you know, really tiny buttons, on shirts and stuff. |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Not in color If I was smart, I would say that this is a coloring contest, but no. I had actual work to do, a free give away at Wizard World to work on, and "Despicable Me" to watch. So, basically, I just ran out of time.
The free give away at wizard world (to be found on the freebe table), will be a mini-comic (2"x4", probably 24 pages). It'll be a story that I wrote just for WW2010, and I won't be putting it online (I think), so it's probably best to go there and get it. I'll also be walking around if you want me to sign something or you want to ask me something or whatever. I'll post more info later.
"Despicable Me" is a really fun movie. I'm glad I saw it, even though this now means I'll get very little sleep. I recommend it.
OK, now on to sleep.