Gary Author Comments aka Comic News
Well, I have a level 30 DCU (DC Universe Online) character. It was fun getting there, but now I can't level any higher, and yet, I still seem to be playing the game on and off. There are a bunch of quests I haven't started, finished, or found, plus a bunch of things to collect, and a whole bunch of new mission types. I can't level any higher, but I can reconfigure my character at a respec device (for a small in game cost). So, I can actually change around my character a lot, and the new mission types unlock armor and weapons that up my character's stats, to that's also cool.
If you're around in DCU and on the "virtue and Vice" server, give me a shout if you see me, my character (as of right now), is a nature healer with all the animal transform powers. The character's name is "Wereability".
On a side note, I will be attending C2E2 in Chicago next week. I won't have any free comics, and I'm just there as a normal attendee, but if you see me, say hi. I'll post the shirts I'm going to wear on Monday, so I'm easier to pick out, since no one else has these t-shirts, or almost no on else. This will be my first year going to C2E2 (the second year it's been in Chicago), so I'm hoping it'll be a lot of fun.
Well, enough talk. This is Victory Lad signing off. Remember kids, victory is just the other side of defeat!