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A gift for Jacob: Part 6 by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:A gift for Jacob: Part 6

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Sorry loyal readers, about the service outage. I guess powweb had a couple problems.

Before I get to the video to entertain you, I'm going to answer a question I was asked.

Q:"Why do you sometimes break you schedule and do comics everyday?"
A:As many of you know, I do this comic for fun. It's not my normal job. In actuality, I'm a programmer. Since it's not my fulltime job, I can't often do a comic everyday. I just don't have the time to do that, so I try to keep a schedule of twice a week, as the calendar should show. I do however really enjoy doing the comic, and I enjoy doing storylines, so on holidays, I use them as an excuse to celebrate. I'll probably use them, more and more, as an excuse to do a longer story line, which I try to not subject you all to normally. Hopefully that explains it. The short answer is, I enjoy doing the comic, so during holidays it becomes part of my celebration.

Ok, now that you sat through my explination, here's something to kill some time.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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