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So very thirsty by Gary Marks
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:So very thirsty 
Panel 4 
Sign: OUT Of Order 
Button: Cola Orange Water diet cola Cherry

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Panel 4
Sign: OUT Of Order
Button: Cola Orange Water diet cola Cherry

Author Comments aka Comic News

Give me liquid
Thirsty.. so very very thirsty.... The soda vending machine at my work has been broken for over a day and a half now. For me, this means I have nothing to drink. I'm not allowed to have a mini fridge at my desk, the office is located in the middle of nowhere (an industrial sector of a Chicago suburb, to one without a car, the middle of nowhere), and the shared fridge is shared by 200+ people, so I can't really throw a case of liquid in there. Since most of the things I tend to drink are refridgerated, this tends to leave me thirsty. Very very thirsty. Yesterday for lunch, I make the bad decision to get crunchy Cheetos. I like crunchy Cheetos, but they make you even more thirsty... I couldn't win. I broke down and drank some water. It was a bad moment of weakness. It had so little flavor, and no sugar or bubbles. I try not to dwell on it too much, since I still wake up screaming about the encounter. Hmm.. Im thirsty, I think I'll find something to drink.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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