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A symphony of sorrow
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:A symphony of sorrow 
Enter the void, a Bruce Leeve Mee Alone production 
Panel 1 
Caption: I'm all alone, like everyone else around me.

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Comic dialog
Enter the void, a Bruce Leeve Mee Alone production

Panel 1
Caption: I'm all alone, like everyone else around me.

Author Comments aka Comic News

Boating in the Abyss
Ug... frigg'n sick, as I post this, but this is what I and I assume everyone else feels like sometimes. Since no one has had the exact same life any anyone else, people can offer advice, but that advice isn't really one hundred percent relevant. I feel that way sometimes when talking about my martial arts stuff. I built a lot of my life around it, so when my teacher died, it left me confused (to say the least). There are some people I can talk to who are in a similar boat, but no one who's had my life. I guess this is where schizophrenics have a leg up on the rest of us. I'm also assuming that I'm not unique in this kind of feeling, and we normally fail to see that there's anyone around who have had similar, all be it, not identical experiences. So yeah, we're all ships in a fleet sailing together in the abyss of reality. On that happy note, time to eat some soup, drink some vitamins, watch some Psych, and get some more rest.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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